Legacy Gallery

We are forever thankful to the families that continue to put their trust in Project Enlist and the UNITE Brain Bank by donating the brain of their loved one. Without their selfless contributions, we would have never made progress toward discovery. Donor families often choose to stay involved with the Foundation and the BU CTE Center through the Legacy Family Community.

This gallery honors warriors whose brains have been donated for study to the UNITE Brain Bank to help us further research on how TBI, PTSD, and CTE are impacting our military community.

Robert Shisslack

05/13/1960 - 04/12/2011

Ron Condrey

07/15/1973 - 09/03/2018

Scott Damon

08/08/1983 - 09/21/2017

Brent Rimer

09/25/1982 - 02/10/2018

Calvin Swangin

08/27/1958 - 05/07/2021

Clay Hunt

04/18/1982 - 03/31/2011

Corey Kerr

06/09/1985 - 06/11/2022

David Magnan

06/27/1979 - 08/29/2013

Elizabeth Pelton

08/26/1924 - 08/30/2020

Gary Myers

08/07/1989 - 02/13/2019

George Wells

10/12/1951 - 05/26/2020

Houston Tumlin

12/27/1992 - 03/23/2021

Jackson Miller

01/09/1936 - 01/26/2013

Paul Dominik

05/29/1950 - 09/07/2020

Richard O'Connor

08/13/1945 - 04/16/2022

Shayne Casteel

02/08/1985 - 08/02/2020

Stephanie Servis

05/30/1967 - 05/17/2022

Willard Fiddler

03/27/1925 - 12/31/2013